Friday, June 17, 2005

relevance of batman

by now you should have heard about the kallang body parts (or whatever better way you have of saying it). grusome. mad. weird. a lady was murdered, cut supposedly into 4 and disposed of into the kallang river. so far 2 boxes are found and her legs and head are still missing. hope they can find them fast. heard this is the third such case here in singapore and the person who did it must have wanted his moment of fame. i trust that our police and juridical system will be good enough to get the man (it could be a girl rite) and serve out justice. hopefully singapore will not disintegrate into a gothom city.

justice is about harmony, not revenge. katie holmes said it. and scarecrow sucks big time.

have you ever been asked the question "how's life??" by people/friends, close and distant alike?? how do you answer this question?? those who know might like to enlighten me because i have absolutely no idea how to react. to me this is like a conversational dead-end. or is it??

A: How's life??
B: Fine./As usual lor./Same old boring life......
A: Okok/(No response) [Dead] or

A: How's life??
B: Fine. U??
A: Fine. [Dead]

how?? is this the way it's supposed to be. or am i just a sucky conversationalist (just as i proclaimed myself to be). maybe the latter..hehe.

with great powers come great responsibilities. that's true.

to overcome fear, you got to face it and become fear. now i'm not that sure. haha.

You still have not given up on me huh?

i needed that from someone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life still goes on with or without my existence.
The sun will rise, taking over the moon
The waves will crash, blanket the shores
Time wait for no one

Lifes Great

17/6/05 9:03 PM  
Blogger engteck said...

reading your blog always seem to be some news program

updating the world with the news of singapore

18/6/05 1:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Prancing Horse gives up on no one
With an exception.... himself
Someone tell me what Bruce recieved too.....

19/6/05 3:55 AM  

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