merry x'mas

I know what my blog is currently lacking. It's a christmas tree. To propagate this xmas spirit. Haha... so here it is. Some of you might find this familiar. Yeah... you're probably right. So before things gets nasty here... here goes.
圣诞夜 I'm sad 你远远在天边 送给我哭泣的季节
浸泡一整年浓厚思念 全为你崩溃
圣诞夜 I pray 爱情快出现 想有个美丽的爱恋
你看见我传给你的字汇 却看不见我掉的眼泪
我把城市找了一遍 就是没能见到你的面
天都黑了心在外继续流连 说她还没找到你陪
早晨阳光声音亮的清脆 我的爱情也支离破碎
身边朋友永远不缺 只是电话响了不想接
有好几天我失去你的连线 我只能活在我的世界
真实拥有感觉离我很远 我只能幻想满足心愿
A friend listed out everyone he wanna thank and is thankful for this festive season and i find it very sweet. Me... i don't have that many friends anyway. And anyway i've wished everyone a merry xmas earlier. But I AM indeed very thankful for all my friends and the things they did or do. Really.
This is also a season for reflection at the end of the year. Another friend wrote about an event that left a very deep impression on him recently on his blog. Was just reading it. And it left a very deep impression on me also. We should all be thankful for what we have and the people surrounding us. And we should think whether are we doing the "right" things actually.
This is also the season for forgiveness. I forgive all those who have done me wrong. And i hope whoever felt i've done wrong against can forgive me. I really didn't mean it.
This is the season for giving. I understand the damning effect and aftermath that the KPMG report will have on i think charity on the whole. Yes what happened was very wrong. And now that this episode has blown into this proportion i doubt the 'culprits' can run very far. At least not in Singapore. And i actually do believe that the government will do something. But that should not diminish the needs of some other charities. We should contribute IF we can still. But there's also the problem of some boogey charity fundraising out there.
Just obtained my results yesterday. Also don't know whether to laugh or to cry. How did i fare?? Maybe i should say an average set of results for an average student. Really average. Not cut out for this i still think. But gotten used to it already actually after so long. And yes... i'll still try my best to work harder next semester. My first resolution it is.
On a much happier note : Gombak United FC will be back next year. Yeah. At least no need to wait till i earn big bucks and buy over and revive the club.
Because that might take another hundred years. And i don't even wanna live that long.
Yes... cherish your loved ones and your friends my friends. Merry X'mas!!
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