Wednesday, July 06, 2005

everyone is ronery

My friend very recently wrote (complained is a more apt word in this case) about how lonely (which is in fact pronounced as ronery) he feels nowadays. I'm not going to say anything about it just that everyone feels ronery and alone from time to time. I feel that way too more than from time to time actually. Late in the night. When i wake up. At 5pm in the afternoon. See so many. But the important thing is that we must be positive and have a not-negative (two positives in a sentence too much right) outlook. Not going to lie and say i've done that. Still trying to achieve that. But some people are so positive that you got to be amazed and impressed. And they seem happy. Seem because i really have no idea how they feel deep deep inside. Maybe a little ronery as well. But it's important to be happy right?? Different people place different priorities in life and searches for different aims and goals. Some find it easily some don't. Some find it quick while some take an entire lifetime seeking and searching. Being the slacker that i am and most of you already know and recognised, i don't really do that most of the time. I'm someone who likes to go with the flow and shun qi zhi ran. I like things planned but hates the rigidity. I like neatness but hates the process. Sigh. So difficult being me. Smiling when i feel sad and heartbroken. Laughing when i'm obviously disappointed and down. It's difficult being me. Maybe that's why i'm ronery.

We ought to slow down sometimes in life. The pace sometimes just blows me off. Yes i'm a slacker and i move slowly. So what?? When we move too fast then things slip past us so easily. Things change and evole at such a furious rate. Technology develops until it's just not possible for us to catch up with anymore. But we have to move fast if not we'll be left behind in our competitive society where everyone is just waiting for each other to fall. Is there a need?? Is there a need to be so quick and rushed all the time?? Was on the mrt this afternoon alighting at clementi. Stood in the middle of the sliding door already but the people on the other side of the door waiting to board covered the whole doorway. I thought we had courtesy campaigns and whatsoever but i seriously have some difficulty alighting and needed to squeeze past 3 or 4 people. Imagine the auntie behind me carrying 2 huge giant (the supermarket not a description) shopping bags having her hands full. How much harder is that for her?? Sigh. I'm not saying i'm very courteous or polite but i try to be. Hell, you ask most of my friends and polite is the last thing that comes out. Not all the time maybe but most of the time perhaps. The train will not close the door when you are boarding half-way. Some will even wait for you if they see you running. So what's the hurry?? I thought we should let the passengers alighting alight first. And the fact was that there were no empty seats on board and still people rush. For what?? And this is not the first time this happened. That's why sometimes i hate (maybe too strong a word) it here. Don't get me wrong. I like Singapore and will proudly sing our national anthem. I realise how lucky we are to be in this country. That's why i study in a university here and not in australia (not only because of financial issues ok). But can't we ever change? Maybe some day.

And for those who have not seen "Team America: World Police" which is by the way a movie before please do catch if you have the time. Was screened here some time back but did not receive too much publicity. A bit underhyped maybe. Nice movie. Funny movie. Satire, metaphors, black humour and crude humour. A lot of jokes in it and a lot of pointing and laughing at certain issues. I recommend it. And a song from the movie which is quite nice. You'll appreciate more if you watch it yourself.

I'm so ronery, so ronery
So ronery and sadry arone
There's no one, just me onry
Sitting on my own little home
I work very hard and make up great plans
But nobody listens no one understands
Seem like no one takes me seriousry
And so i'm ronery, a little ronery
Poor little me.

There's nobody I can rerate to
Feel like a bird in a cage
It's kind of silly but not really
Because it's filling my body with rage
I'm the smartest most clever most physically fit
But nobody else seem to rearise it
When I change the world maybe they'll notice me
Until then,
I'll just be ronery (Sigh), a little ronery
Poor little me.

I'm so ronery.

Quite true right. Maybe my friend was right. Maybe another song i like tomorrow.


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