happy chinese new year

After the overwhelming response to my christmas tree on my x'mas post... how can i not have something on to celebrate chinese new year as well... Ha

Yes it's finally here. Chinese New Year. Four days of holidays. But a mountain pile of work. But lets not obscure the focus here. So go on and enjoy yourselves during this festive period and i wish everyone a great and abundant new year.
I know i'm still young and no where close to obtaining the "license" to give out ang-baos but this is my blog so i would like to give an ang-bao to you. May it give you good fortune and good luck for the coming year. It's the thought that counts anyway. Hehe.

So go on and enjoy this break and celebrate with all Chinese around the world.

~johncolombus.blogspot.com~ 恭祝大家新年快乐,万事如意,心想事成,身体健康,财源滚滚来,狗年旺旺旺!!
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