Just before it turns one month to my last post... let me do something about it.
A lot of thing happening in school. Seven modules is a mistake i think. A bit too much for me to handle. A lot of things happening (i think). And a lot of things to do. A lot of projects and research to complete. Nothing done. And i guess nothing will be done. So be it. Don't understand a lot of things anyway.
Perpetually tired this semester. Much more than past semesters. It does affect my temper. So sorry if it affect you too.
To make this interesting....
tagged by yingkai:
Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included.
-- I am a half-neat freak. I cannot stand things in too much of a mess. A bit is good. Too much no no. Eg. Messy CDs at CD shop and supermarkets. Haha...
-- I am a very picky reader. Textbooks are NO NOs...
-- My ambition when i was young was to be a teacher.
-- My favourite subject was geography. Then physics. Then economics. Then psychology. Then i don't know.
-- I can't help falling in love. That is one of my favourite songs of all time.
-- One of my greatest dream is to see and touch snow. Real snow... not the snow city one.
I'm supposed to tag six more people. But i think less than that read my blog. So if you're unfortunately reading this... YES YOU'RE TAGGED. Haha.
And i'm sorry for this great delay.
My friend wrote: I have decided to close down this journal. Wishing everyone happiness and peace in their lives. What happened?? Sad.
But i just caught Rob-B-Hood at jurong point. Yup... the jackie chan show.
It was surprisingly not bad. Exceed my expectations really. Most parts were funny. Some surprisingly so. Had a great laugh inside. Passable. Though a part with them reminicing and the baby crying got on my nerve. A bit lah. But can watch lah if you wanna laugh a bit. Really don't go into movies with expectations. It usually turn out better. Haha.
I think my next post will be interesting. Stay tuned.
A lot of thing happening in school. Seven modules is a mistake i think. A bit too much for me to handle. A lot of things happening (i think). And a lot of things to do. A lot of projects and research to complete. Nothing done. And i guess nothing will be done. So be it. Don't understand a lot of things anyway.
Perpetually tired this semester. Much more than past semesters. It does affect my temper. So sorry if it affect you too.
To make this interesting....
tagged by yingkai:
Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included.
-- I am a half-neat freak. I cannot stand things in too much of a mess. A bit is good. Too much no no. Eg. Messy CDs at CD shop and supermarkets. Haha...
-- I am a very picky reader. Textbooks are NO NOs...
-- My ambition when i was young was to be a teacher.
-- My favourite subject was geography. Then physics. Then economics. Then psychology. Then i don't know.
-- I can't help falling in love. That is one of my favourite songs of all time.
-- One of my greatest dream is to see and touch snow. Real snow... not the snow city one.
I'm supposed to tag six more people. But i think less than that read my blog. So if you're unfortunately reading this... YES YOU'RE TAGGED. Haha.
And i'm sorry for this great delay.
My friend wrote: I have decided to close down this journal. Wishing everyone happiness and peace in their lives. What happened?? Sad.
But i just caught Rob-B-Hood at jurong point. Yup... the jackie chan show.

I think my next post will be interesting. Stay tuned.
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