What is a Christmas without any Christmas trees?? Haha. So i hereby present MY Christmas tree for 2006. A very expensive one at that i heard.

So on behalf of I would like to wish everyone (yes... all you pro-chris-tinators) a very merry, joyful and blessed X'mas.
Dug up some photos of my past while arranging my cupboard the other day. Those were the days it seems. So would also like to take this opportunity to say hi to people who know me during this festive season. Too many to name. All my classmates throught the years. So many that I've lost touch with.
Pri 1B to 3B AES
Pri 4-2, 5-1 and 6-1 SAPS
Sec 1E, 2E, 3G and 4G RVHS
RV schoolmates
St. John's
00S10 NJC
00S75 SAJC
Soccer people
All my teachers
37th PTP Enhanced BMT Taurus Platoon 4
47/02 OCS Taurus Platoon 1
47/02 SOCC (Yes...everyone...)
BLOS Platoon 2 Signal Bn
Stagmont Gang
People I've met in University
Basketball people
The ME Freaks
Anyone else that do not fall into the categories

So on behalf of I would like to wish everyone (yes... all you pro-chris-tinators) a very merry, joyful and blessed X'mas.
Dug up some photos of my past while arranging my cupboard the other day. Those were the days it seems. So would also like to take this opportunity to say hi to people who know me during this festive season. Too many to name. All my classmates throught the years. So many that I've lost touch with.
Pri 1B to 3B AES
Pri 4-2, 5-1 and 6-1 SAPS
Sec 1E, 2E, 3G and 4G RVHS
RV schoolmates
St. John's
00S10 NJC
00S75 SAJC
Soccer people
All my teachers
37th PTP Enhanced BMT Taurus Platoon 4
47/02 OCS Taurus Platoon 1
47/02 SOCC (Yes...everyone...)
BLOS Platoon 2 Signal Bn
Stagmont Gang
People I've met in University
Basketball people
The ME Freaks
Anyone else that do not fall into the categories
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