Saturday, April 19, 2008

the end

Attended my last official lecture in NUS yesterday afternoon. Guess that means my student-career is like 3/4 over.

Also handed in my final FYP thesis this week. A huge load off all our chests frankly.

But FINAL exams to start next week. 3 papers and I'm super low on confidence. Might not graduate if I fail and it is a possibility considering how and what I've been doing this whole semester.

After that there's still the FYP presentation the week after the exams.

Then can I truly and officially put a full-stop to things (provided I do OK for the modules).

A japanese full-stop!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

the month in a capsule

Today we finally made it to Ubin.

After months of 'planning' and a number of failed attempts.

That's for another time maybe. So tired now. Cycling for 1 hour at Ubin is like 3 hours at East Coast. No joke. Butt hurts. But it was still pretty fun. At least the constant threats of rain above our heads didn't materialise in the end.

What else happened?? Let me see...

- We finally decided on where to go for our graduation trip and booked for the tour on the same day at NATAS. And in the process got ourselves cold, tired and hungry. Still a bit late as we were told there were more and better discounts at the pre-NATAS fair. So what's the NATAS fair for then?? But never mind lah. Cannot be helped also. Pay deposit already. Hokkaido... here we come!! (But it's stillso far away. There are still so many things to be accomplished before that. Hope that I can concentrate at the tasks at hand first and not think about going for the holiday.)

- I'm super broke now. Why?? Refer to above.

- Refer to above above. It means I seriously need to start looking for a job.

- But I haven't even started on my thesis yet and the first draft is due in 2 weeks time. One word: DIE!!

- How to start on the thesis when I haven't even finished obtaining all the data and results??

- The goondos started exploring the outdoors and not just chilling joints.

- The trek up the hill beside Jurong Bird Park is tiring but out comes a brillant business idea. All we need now is capital...

- My first time at Ikea Tampines (all because it rained and we have to call off ubin after reaching tampines).

- My first time at Changi Terminal 3. Nothing much there seriously.

- The first movie marathon of the year. With differing opinions.

- A friend changed his name again.

That's pretty much my life. Photos for later if I find the time and effort.

I hate FYP.

Thursday, February 07, 2008




Wishing everyone a very HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR and may there be an abundance of blessings in your life!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

getting old or getting mad cow

There is this one module that I've really wanted to take in university. I did remember telling myself and someone else that I'll take it before I graduate and as much as I've been making empty promises to myself... I did manage to get that module in this my final semester. I had even wanted to major in this discipline but chose engineering (wrongly??) for certain reasons.

So you can say I'm happy and excited. But the problem is that the lecture is from 6pm to 8pm and that after a full day in the laboratory so I am actually having problems concentrating and staying awake in lectures now. This usually happens only the engin modules but seldom for the arts modules. I'm degenerating. Fact. But I'm still excited. Had the first "tutorial" or discussion group as they call it and it was pretty relaxing other than the fact that I had to do a bit of an amazing race during the two-hour lesson and I admit that was entirely due to me.

Which brings me to what I actually wanted to say.

My memory is failing me. Big time.

I'm forgetting more and more things which is not the case in the past. And as the studious engineering undergraduate that I am (let me vomit first)................................ let me provide you with a couple of case studies that happened these couple of weeks.

There was this one friday and I was supposed to reach school at around 1 or 1+pm. I had wanted to wake up at 8am and come to school early to do some fyp before the research program activity (for the module I mentioned earlier at 1.20pm) but as it always happens I woke up at 8 to press the alarm off and then the next thing I knew it was 10am already. So I did wake up and washed up and blah blah blah before going to school after lunch. I was taking bus 188 that day and for those who are not very sure of its route let me provide a little revision. It goes something like this: MY HOUSE --> BT BATOK POLYCLINIC --> IMM --> CLEMENTI --> PIE --> NUS ENGIN --> FONG SENG --> PRIVATE HOUSING --> HARBOURFRONT. Something like this. What happened was I fell asleep during the ride (very common in fact). I remembered seeing IMM but when I opened my eyes I only saw private housing. The usually calm me did panic I must admit and then I saw someone my age getting off as the bus was just approaching a bus-stop and I immediately jumped up and followed suit. I was lucky. that was the bus-stop that led to ths sheares and temasek halls at the other rear end of NUS and I was at last able to make it to Arts just in time for the activity. Another stop and I might not even know where I am anymore. But the thing is I remembered IMM and nothing else. Not even falling asleep.

Then we are supposed to act as human research participants for the research program I was talking about and we are to sign up for tests and activities that we are interested in to fulfill certain points requirements. Each half hour will credit us with one point and so on. I happily signed up for two studies this morning (Tuesday) from 9.50-10.20am and from 11.00-11.30pm. I'm having the discussion group tutoriat at 12pm. Great timing and planning right?! Or so I thought. The thing is the lesson is actually at 10am not 12pm as pointed out by MH and HS during dinner the day before. This time I indeed did froze for a while. As this was later on proven to be true and that the research program participation is compulsory and each person is at most given only two "no-show" chances before being kicked out and I did sign up for two that morning and that it was already too late to cancel (which is to be done at least 48 hours before the study) and so I did froze. Which explains the amazing race thing I was talking about. But it was always in my mind that the lesson starts at 12pm and I was quite pleased with my planning and it turned out almost horribly wrong. But I was lucky again I think and managed to do both studies and also the tutorial class all at the same time. Better not tempt luck again.

Bad memory. Old age. Or MAD COW??

I think its the latter.

But thanks to MH and HS for the timely reminder and also for taking this module with me even though they did not have to.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

想一想,也不知道从什么时候起,我开始堕落。我开始不对生活存有任何的期望,要求或梦想。不知道什么时候起,我开始了解到当你想的越多,要的越多和梦的越远,你就会跌的越重。希望越大,失望也就越大。没有希望也就不会有失望。只求这一生没有白活着。只求能做几件有意义的事。 只求在这一切结束后,我不会立刻被淡忘,有人会记得我的好。可是不记得又会怎么样呢。

Sunday, December 23, 2007



(oops sorry should be 2008 instead of 2009...
i think i'm halfway to insanity...)

Today, today, a saviour has been born.
A saviour has been born to us.
He is Christ the Lord, Christ the Lord,
Jesus Christ the Lord.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

remember me

"His conclusion was that the only contrast lay in the fact that she made no fuss, asked for no attention, and died in obscurity: yet all generations have called her blessed."

"On the other hand we make a fuss, seek attention, and hope to be remembered when we die: yet we may count ourselves fortunate if someone remembers to say a prayer for us on our first anniversary."

Exams halfway through. Holiday mood to the max.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

tough choices

The hardest choice you have to make is what to have for lunch.

One thing we sometimes forget is no matter how hard your day is, no matter how tough your choices, no matter how complex your decisions....

You always get to choose what you want for lunch.

It's either live or die.

Denny Crane.