Can't really remember the last time i posted something. So that means it must have been quite a long time. A fan of this blog was complaining about the inactivity so while taking a break from my monotonous lecture notes... might as well write something here. Listening to "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter and it sort of sums things up. Having a few bad days recently. More and more of them actually.
A lot of random thoughts. But none of the ability to piece them together into a smooth flowing (i.e. ideal non-viscous laminar) article for your entertainment. So here they are in no order of merit....
"Boston Legal" is back!!! One of my favourites.
My memory is getting from bad to worse. Short term memory or so it's called right. I think my brain capacity and ram is running out. About time to reformat. The question is how.
I am turning into a pig. NOOOOO!!!
Might as well add "a lonely old man" to that. Will most probably die as one also.
A friend of mine is so excited about the prospects of going back for his ICT (in-camp training). Weird things keep happening.
I warm up extremely slowly to strangers and people i don't know well sadly.
I found out that i am actually a very competitive person. But i don't like competition. Yes... i am a very 'dilemnatic' person. That's why i don't go around looking for competition. That's one of the reasons why i don't play online games which i mostly suck in. That's why i can come across as rough and 'attitude'. And i'm sorry.
Zap zap 腹部... Zap zap 腹部... Zap zap 臀部... Zap zap 臀部... Zap zap 大腿... Zap zap 大腿... so freaking irritating. But brillant at the same time. This is what i call a commercial that made an impact. It got people to sit up. Literally..... And curse.
I don't like the feeling of rejection.
我在感情里的问题就是没有问题。I am an extremely boring person. As many people can testify.
I am not very good at expressing myself to people.
But i really treasure you as a friend.
I believe that everybody needs to take some time off for himself.
I seriously don't know what i'm doing in school. I don't understand so many things that i surprise even myself. Basically i suck at my core modules. A classic conversation goes like this:
A: Hey yo... what are you studying (i.e which faculty are you in) ?
Me: Engineering.
A: So you going to be an engineer?
Me: Don't think so.
It's not that i don't want to be an engineer or don't wish to. In actualy fact it's because i'm afraid to be an engineer (if i actually graduate as one in a couple of years' time). I'm afraid that i will cock up in what i'm supposed to be good and well-versed in. And that's a scary prospect. I don't run very fast but i like to run yes.
I really wish i can actually swim.
Six-pecs do get you somewhere. (Star Idol)
So there you have it. A big piece of me. And i actually don't feel any different.
Enjoy your day and whatever you're doing.