Monday, December 25, 2006


What is a Christmas without any Christmas trees?? Haha. So i hereby present MY Christmas tree for 2006. A very expensive one at that i heard.

So on behalf of I would like to wish everyone (yes... all you pro-chris-tinators) a very merry, joyful and blessed X'mas.

Dug up some photos of my past while arranging my cupboard the other day. Those were the days it seems. So would also like to take this opportunity to say hi to people who know me during this festive season. Too many to name. All my classmates throught the years. So many that I've lost touch with.

Pri 1B to 3B AES
Pri 4-2, 5-1 and 6-1 SAPS
Sec 1E, 2E, 3G and 4G RVHS

RV schoolmates
St. John's
00S10 NJC
00S75 SAJC
Soccer people
All my teachers
37th PTP Enhanced BMT Taurus Platoon 4
47/02 OCS Taurus Platoon 1
47/02 SOCC (Yes...everyone...)
BLOS Platoon 2 Signal Bn
Stagmont Gang
People I've met in University
Basketball people
The ME Freaks
Anyone else that do not fall into the categories


Sunday, December 17, 2006

jolly season not

Nearing 2 weeks since the end of the examinations and have been practically rotting ever since. Minus the couple of basketball sessions. Not good.

Junyong suffered a cut just above his right eye while playing ball. A pretty serious looking one at that. Started to bleed profusely. First time i've seen so much blood while playing sports. Ever. But my towel came in handy. Some people sent him to a nearby clinic for a stitch but he came back after the docter applied some 50 bucks glue on the wound. Medical science. Seems to be okay though. Experience sia. Not good.

A good place to add in some happiness and joy. Congratulations to minghui's sister on the birth of her baby twins last week. May they be healthy. That's what christmas is all about.

Was talking with leong and then suddenly (actually also not very sudden) realised that i do not really have a hobby or something i am really interested in doing in my life. Like really really. So practically bumming along life with no meaning whatsoever. Not good. But what is a poor poor unfit and scared-to-die undergraduate to do?? Not looking good.

Christmas in a week's time. No feeling.

From a good friend's blog, who's kind enough to send this to me. I like snow. At least i think so. Got to experience falling snow at least once in my life. Who wanna join me??

Imagine this:

Someone asks you "le ai lim si mi??" (Loosely translated: "What drinks do you want??")

Then you answer YES.


This is why:

Supper the other night with the ME Freaks. Went out late and GOT TO stay beyond midnight as it's minghui's birthday the next day. So much for his foam party.

Plates for prata like change liao leh. Not sure also.

But HAPPY BIRTHDAY nonetheless.

Finally it seems like there was a bug or something in the NUS system and some of us were able to check our examinations "results" online. Very sian. Like super sian. Expected not to do very well but did not expect to do this badly. Hope hanqing has already gotten rid of the "curse" if not i'm sorry. CAP drop by a lot. Will take a tremendous effort in my last year to maintain my second lower. Plus will spend one semester away from school doing my attachment and you can expect i'll not really be interested in studying when i get back half a year later does not bode well for me. Well just got to buckle down and take one step at a time. Feeling quite low now. But i'll get over it. Like i always have.

Seems like it will not be a very jolly and merry christmas after all.

What's Playing??
--> 燃烧 by 孙楠

Thursday, December 07, 2006

mr cow

Time for some of ChRiS's recommendations again... from...

陈庆祥(阿牛) 《城市蓝天》


才二十歲哦 就殘晒囉
還有許多 許多



噢!我雙眼翻白 嗚呼哀哉

才二十歲哦 就殘晒囉
二十歲了囉 生命的負擔又重了許多

才二十歲哦 就殘晒囉
二十歲了囉 生命的負擔又重了許多



凌晨一點 溜達街道上
冷清 迷惘
拉得好長 好長
把你的照片 握在手上
你是否在遙遠 很遙遠的地方彷徨

任由我翱翔 興風起浪
失去方向的風帆 無法靠岸


以前我看到朋友哭 我很羨慕
可是我怎麼逗我自己 怎麼弄我自己
總覺得能夠哭的朋友 都很幸福
能夠把滿腔的無耐 滿腔的痛苦

最苦是淚水在哽在心頭 流不出
流過淚的眼睛 將生命看得更清楚

只有真正懂得付出的人才懂得何為哭 為何哭
心會痛 心也會感動
只有曾經真心付出的人才懂得何為哭 為何哭


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

my holidays are finally here


After 2 weeks. Almost cannot take it liao. More sian than stressed actually. Just finished my last paper yesterday morning. Bad ending. Made an elementary mistake that made me so disgusted with myself. It's not that i don't know how to do. That's common. It's i forgot to do certain thing. Sianz. Ended almost the same way it started. Never mind lah. Not much effort put in for this semester anyway. Can't wait for it to end. Finally.

No more exams for a year. Yippie. Will be going for my IA in January so the next exam will come next November/December. Can see something bad happening then. But that's for then.

Seems like custom to catch a movie after exams. Watched "A Battle Of Wits" or "Mo Gong" at Vivo City. Our first time there. Surprised at the leg space in the cinema. Movie was not bad but a few super lame scenes especially the CG animation. Not bad lah.

But i don't see the hype that's surrounding Vivo City. Nothing special there though the open area above and the playground seem like great ideas. Most of the shops can be found elsewhere. But yes it's damn big. Walk until sian also. First time eating Carl's Junior also. A lot of firsts.

So that's it. One month of holidays before work starts. A time to recharge. A time to fulfill many unfinished tasks. Doubt much will change after the one month. That's normal. Haha. I'll try my best.

Soccer?? Basketball?? K-Box?? Bowling??


自恋 -- 罗志祥
精舞门 -- 罗志祥
好朋友 -- 罗志祥

如果没有明天 -- KONE
胡思乱想 -- KONE
我可以 -- 蔡旻佑
我想要说 -- 蔡旻佑